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Demand Generation Growth Architecting Management RevCO & Revinar Events Scientific Forecasting

Igniting Portfolio Value with Data-Driven Growth

On May 02, 2024 Premonio hosted our second Revinar on the topic: ”Igniting Portfolio Value with Data-Driven Growth” with Joe Connolly who is a Managing Director of Crown Capital and CEO of Pacific Yurts and Anna Courval, CMO of Premonio. You can watch the 30 minute video recording of this Revinar on YouTube at this link. Joe […]

ABM Demand Generation Growth Architecting Management Sales & Marketing Scientific Forecasting

Flying blind? Take back control of your revenue

Would you fly in a passenger airplane with multiple, disconnected pilots? One controlling the engines, one for heading, one in charge of fuel, etc. Seems absurd to think that a plane could actually fly this way. But isn’t that analogous how we often set up and run our revenue organizations? We have a pilot for […]

Demand Generation Growth Architecting Sales & Marketing Scientific Forecasting Startup

Why are forecasts really hindcasts, not predictions?

We’re all familiar with stats around how many startups don’t hit their annual revenue targets. For example: InsightSquared recently reported that “68% of [B2B] companies miss their forecast by more than 10%” (see here), And HubSpot said that 74% of companies that missed their revenue goals “didn’t know their visitor, lead, MQL, or sales opportunity […]

ABM Demand Generation Growth Architecting Management Sales & Marketing Scientific Forecasting

Want to know why most B2B companies are not making their numbers?

NOTE: This is a partner blog created in collaboration with its primary author, Philippe Bouissou, Ph.D., Managing Partner of Blue Dots Partners LLC, a Premonio partner. Blue Dots Partners is a highly innovative management consulting firm focused on top-line revenue acceleration for companies or business units with revenues between $10 million and $1 billion. The […]

Demand Generation Growth Architecting Scientific Forecasting

Path to Faster Revenue Attainment – And Steeper Revenue Ramps

If you want to know how your marketing and demand gen teams performed last quarter, you’re in luck. There’s a slew of marketing and revenue analytics tools geared at measuring historical lead generation and conversion rates and attributing past revenue to lead sources. But if you’re the CEO of a small to medium-sized tech startup, […]

Demand Generation Growth Architecting Scientific Forecasting

Are you missing your number or is someone over-forecasting?

In a perfect world, your company would hit its revenue projection every time. In a good-enough world, you’d hit it at least most of the time. Unfortunately, the current reality may not reflect either of those scenarios. Small Business Trends reports that in 2018, 46% of sales reps missed their quotas. According to Forbes, the […]

COVID-19 Demand Generation Growth Architecting Marketing Sales & Marketing Scientific Forecasting

The Perfect Storm Facing Post-Pandemic B2B Marketing Teams

For B2B marketers in 2021, a new mandate has become clear: Evolve or perish. As marketing leaders steer their ships through the turbulence of COVID-19, they’re encountering the sobering reality that there will be no return to business as usual, even after they get to calmer waters. Marketing teams may make it to the other […]

COVID-19 Growth Architecting Management Marketing Scientific Forecasting

Weathering the COVID-19 storm – How to Quickly Reforecast to not Get Blown Off Course

We’re at the knee of the COVID-19 infection curve in the US with several thousand confirmed; new infections already announced this weekend (the date of this writing is March 15, 2020). Most logistic curve simulations of the virus’ spread suggest a doubling of total infections every 4 to 6 days until containment methods like social […]

ABM B2B Tech Mktg Community Scientific Forecasting

B2B Tech Marketing Community Weekly Newsletter: Oct 21, 2019

2019 OCTOBER 21 FOCUS: “Scientific Forecasting and ABM Trends”: This week we are focusing on “Scientific Forecasting” as well as some relevant ABM trends. Since the ability to accurately forecast is at the core of being able to ramp revenues predictably, we not only cited a few informative links below, but are also asking your […]

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