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Demand Generation Marketing Precision Segmentation

“Precision Segmentation” – Finding Buyers in the Digital Age

“Oh my,” you say, “not another blog about segmentation, something I know a lot about. I learned about market segmentation back in my Marketing 101 class.” Well, digital marketing and machine learning leave much of that old class material in need of severe upgrading and updating. So, don’t click that back button quite yet and […]

Content Marketing Demand Generation Marketing Trends

Want to Grow Your Community? How About Short B2B Podcasts and Videos!

!Last night I went to another CMO networking dinner, which turned out very informative. Put on by the Cybersecurity Marketers community; the sponsor was PR and social media powerhouse 10Fold Communications. I went because the invite promised an informative talk about the integration of traditional influence work (also known as PR) with online influencer work […]